
As long as he's not rubbing *his* face in my face…

Yes, but all of those bands have songs I like.

" so much of The Doors’ music isn’t very good" THANK YOU. These guys are *so* fucking overrated. They don't even have a bass player, for fuck's sake!

Okie Dokie!

Apologies. It's so hard to read tone when communicating via text.

Some pretty boy actor already did. Unless you think Heath Ledger wasn't pretty, in which case you are a monster.
EDITED to say that I missed the joke.

So he did. Man, I suck at this.

My apologies. It appears I was misremembering. Nathan did a review of it, not a My World of Flops entry.

You don't have to stay in character when posting on a comment board, Jared. Not even Daniel Day-Lewis is *that* method. Although I think your decision to give the Joker an ass-wiping fetish is an interesting one.

I'm cautiously optimistic.

Jared? I thought you were too busy breaking rules and striking new ground to hang out in the AV Club comments section, bro.

And twirling, always twirling!

That truly was a glorious moment in schadenfreude. I think I'm going to go read Rabin's MWoF entry on it, in order to soothe the boiling blood that occurs whenever Jared Leto opens his mouth.

Hell no. I mean, by all accounts Daniel Day-Lewis is terrible to work with for similar reasons, but he's nowhere *near* as insufferable as this prick is. And he's infinitely more talented.
"If you don’t break rules, you’re not going to strike new ground." Jesus tapdancing Christ. Listen to yourself, you douchetastic

You're not sending me to the FROSTAH!

Gutterdämmerung. What the hell, guys. Were you trying to spell Götterdämmerung
but got frustrated trying to look it up in the dictionary? Or is this movie
about the Twilight of the Gutters? You do realize you could have called it
Gitarredämmerung, right? It's right fucking there, ya morons!

@avclub-48f3b69dfe25f0f5b4a6b8460a0def4f:disqus you are indeed correct, sir.

Except that for some of their songs, the live versions are infinitely better. "The Pass" and "Resist" (the unplugged version) are two examples that immediately spring to mind.

"Losing It" absolutely did me in. I was crying like a 6-yr old girl denied a pony ride during that one.

That was a great tour, and "Camera Eye" was indeed a highlight, although the polka version of "Closer to the Heart" playing on the speakers during intermission was a close second.