
"show the dogs tearing at her". Going to have to disagree with you on that one. Perhaps this is splitting hairs, but if there's no blood, how can there be tearing? There's *maybe* a split second of a dog sooooort of putting a paw on her as she falls.
I don't know what kind of sheltered life you have to live to not

Damn straight on #1.
"that nursemaid is ripped apart by wild boar-dog creatures. That, you do see"
Uh, no, you don't. You see her fall down after one of them lightly touches her. And that's it.

Agreed. High production values are usually the death knell for comedies. Other than Ghostbusters, of course.

It is my sincere hope that Miscavige at some point decides to beat on an underling who's into MMA and has been nursing a grudge against him for some time. I would donate body parts toward that happening.

Scientology has ALWAYS been at war with the rest of humanity!

Upvoted for Starcraft reference.

I can smell the money already! At least, I think that's money…

Wow, are you ever an insufferable douche.

Most Regency-period literature would be greatly improved by long descriptions of how the main characters deal with fecal waste.

Yeah, I don't think what he said about transvestites is correct either. I mean, they're not usually measured in carats, but pounds, like human beings. Also, they tend to have good taste in watches.

Wouldn't it make more sense to sing it on the way to store?

That is gold. You just warmed this proud Canadian's heart. And, er, other parts.

Cage and Chloe-Grace Moritz were the only good things in that movie. Really, really good things, but the only ones.

"Hey kid, you done with that?"

Sensitive Joss Whedon.

Why are her breasts under her armpits?

Not sure if someone's already mentioned it, cuz damned if I'm gonna scroll through 1005 comments, but at one point in Order of the Stick while right in the middle of lampshading, someone shows up in the panel to say "the lampshade you requested has arrived, sir", to which the character replies "just hang it anywhere".

*Immediately starts making out with @avclub-1e1692bf525d88abf663ece93fe486c8:disqus*

It's kind of what Bubba Ho-Tep was about, only with a 5,000 year-old mummy instead of aliens.

I'm moving a little slow tonight…I just shopped at Hot Topic.