
I'd definitely wear a t-shirt that says "You want a slice of this long, greasy dick?"

I was one of about a dozen or so "alternative" types at my small-town high school (There were so few of us that the punks and the goths got smooshed together). I got bullied a fair bit, but the prettiest girl at the school (like, drop-dead gorgeous) was also one, so I got to date her. So worth it.

Oh stewardess, I speak Hot Topic.

Sorry, just this truck full of Snowballs.

Rush are definitely a "love 'em or hate 'em" type of band. And yeah, Alex is awesome on TPB.

"Closer to the Heart" by Rush. That guitar solo just would *not* be the same without that vibraslap every 4 bars!
Actually, Neil Peart should be this writer's god, given their shared love of bizarre percussion instruments.

You want her to rip your head off?

Trust me, it's not bad.
EDITED to say consider yourself lucky you don't get the reference.

Look, you and I are done, professionally.
I'll still bugger you though.

Sorry, @avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus, but I worship the Christmas Jesus. Tiny, 8 pound, 11-ounce Christmas Jesus, with his gold lamé diapers and Baby Einstein mobile, learning about shapes and colours.

The character of Anton Ego wasn't just a takedown/parody of critics. It also defined what they do and championed their cause. It was an incredibly well-written part.

A map would be pretty cool. I used to have a Middle-Earth atlas called "Journeys of Frodo" which gave detailed, small-scale maps for each chapter of so of LotR. It was awesome to follow along with it while you read the books, especially considering how concerned with geography they were.

Soooo…this is irony you're doing? Um, good job?

Was that sarcasm? If not, then I am flummoxed by your comment.

"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."
- Bertrand Russell

Do you even know what "corporate" means? Because you seem to have made a lot of negative connotations to a word that is, in itself, pretty innocuous.

I just don't get it. There's tons of things I'm really into: LotR, for example, but I've never felt the need to buy stuff associated with it. What the hell would I do with a LotR action figure or whatever? I'm a grown man, for fuck's sake.
Pointless bullshit materialism makes me sad. Getting rid of stuff often makes

Man, I know. It's like, leave a little talent for the rest of us, willya Dr. May?

Whoa, Dark Knight Rises, seriously? That's harsh, bro.

Fuck, *anything* is better than that turd.