
Oh just fucking spoil it already.

The question was, "Did the theory of evolution cause the Holocaust?"

The "there, fixed it" nod he gives when done is gold.

I'm waiting for the inevitable Asylum off-brand knockoff, Stevie Jormp-Jomp.

What are you talking about? Those two lines rhymed. RHYMED, I TELL YOU!!!!!!!

How do you work?

I think it's probably safe to assume that the complete opposite of whatever Courtney Love says is what actually happened.

Right, gotcha. I tend to forget that people still buy physical copies of games, being a smug download-only type.

You got an extra (really cool and fun to play) character when you pre-ordered, a $10 value. Well-worth it IMHO.
Plus Borderlands 2 is just a ridiculously good game.

If the reward you get for pre-ordering is worth paying for something before you get it, fine. Otherwise, what is the point? What are you gaining by pre-ordering instead of waiting until the game comes out?

I pre-ordered Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and bought the "Season's Pass" on the strength of Borderlands 2. I was bitterly disappointed in the Pre-sequel, which had a terrible story, added virtually nothing new, and was ugly as sin to look at.
But I felt completely ripped off by the DLC. As opposed to Borderlands 2's

You must not have many friends.

And let's not even get started on the marketing campaign, which had fake protesters and contests that encouraged con attendees to sexually harass booth babes.

Search your feelings…of broiling, stomach-churning indigestion.

wtf is starz lol

And does a couple of sick barrel rolls while he's at it.

I sometimes wonder if gay people are just more aware of that kind of stuff in general, just because they have to do a lot of soul-searching about who they are and how they fit into society, and also what about a person or thing is real or true and what is an affectation or pretense.

Rob Liefeld has the perfect drawing skills for novel writing.

*presses button to make flamethrower go off*

Not having powers kind of *is* their power. It's why Frodo was able to bear the Ring for so long without becoming corrupted by it.