
As the AV Club continues its long slow decline into a clickbait site, the writing continues to deteriorate. I find bad grammar all over the place nowadays. It's sad, but it is seemingly the way of things. The Gods of Endless Content must be appeased.

Starship Troopers is a terrific movie whether taken straight or as satire (which is absolutely what it is). The F/X are phenomenally good and still hold up today.

I haven't read Starship Troopers but I've read Stranger in a Strange Land and Heinlein is absolutely unquestioningly a fascist (and also a shitty writer IMHO). I can definitely see Heinlein's fans getting upset at the movie.

Become Mohd…*shudder*
That's enough to scare *anybody* straight.

This. This is why Battlefield, out of all the multiplayer-focused shooters, was the on that I actually had some enjoyment of. Objectives, tactical play, sacrificing yourself for your team. That's what made it fun.

Yes, and it's driving me nuts. 6 notifications is an *extremely* good day for me, and when it keeps showing up I briefly think that I've become relevant. Then my hopes are dashed.

Damn. That was almost…profound.

He was terrific to start off, but gradually got simplified and simplified until he was more cartoon than character. It could be argued that that was the intention for the show in general, because it gradually morphs from a crime drama to a superhero show, but I feel it did the show a disservice.

Yeah, Daredevil's fantastic. And I've already watched it, because it's been out for ages and was heavily hyped. And everyone else who would be interested in watching a Daredevil show has *also* already watched it. And everyone else who has no interest in the show isn't going to suddenly watch it just because some

Well, you should definitely give Star Wars (I *refuse* to call it A New Hope) and The Empire Strikes Back a shot. They are legitimately good movies.

As has been said, Firefly was basically a show about a spaceship where every crewmember is Han Solo.

THANK YOU for saying what I was thinking about the pointless Daredevil recommendation. It's like, oh, I haven't bothered watching Daredevil yet, but now that this random tool has said he likes it, I'll get right on it!!!
Who writes this fucking column, Jackie Harvey?

Don't try to frighten us with your sorceror's ways, Lord Cooper. Your sad devotion to legitimate funding strategies has failed to help you conjure up the, uh…the…..
You know what? I did the exact same thing.

Um, does England even have a mountain big enough to build something the size of Minas Tirith into?

Fear will keep the backers in line…

Let me guess: you spent all of New Year's Eve 2000 telling everyone that it's still the last millennium, and everyone should stop having such a good time.

I don't think failing to notice that some weird-looking dude that was in the movie for like 30 seconds and did absolutely nothing WAS ALSO in a post-credits scene of another movie qualifies as "abysmal watching skills".
I love the Marvel movies (mostly), but I could give a fuck about Thanos.

Also, hands actually holding guns, as opposed to guns awkwardly glued to closed fists.
And swords with the hilts and blades lined up.
And women physically incapable of pointing their boobs and their butts in the same direction at the same time.

"…would end up effecting Writers’ Guild Of America rule…"
That's Affecting. With an A. If you cause an Effect to something, then you have Affected it.
A = verb
E = noun
There are exceptions, but I don't want to confuse you, so let's just stick to the basics.

Argo 2: Arrrrrrg!