
Could Harry Hamlin get in on it too? Maybe get a Mexican standoff going, only with eyebrows?

Dickish, yeah. Put-on? Not so much. I think he really is just that much of a dick.
I bet if BBT saw that marquee, he would've spent the whole show saying "I don't really remember that song" whenever the band tried to start playing.

A hairy shirtless dude is one thing. A greased-up shirtless dude is another. A greased-up *and* hairy shirtless dude
is The Thing That Should Not Be.

Shhh! They'll hear!

My ex-wife has it in a pretty minor way. It never bothered me in the least, although of course she was teased about it in school.

I think the difference is that TIE fighers don't have FTL capability and X-Wings do.

Having read various articles about the game posted in the comments, it seems to me that most of the development money went into making the game as addictive as possible (as opposed to just making a, y'know, good game).

Hey cool, I've got a garage computer too!
Of course, when you live in a garage, all of your computers are garage computers.

Actually, E. Gary Gygax *hated* The Lord of the Rings.

The D&D remake article sent me here. Did The AV Club even exist in 2000?

Fair enough, but seeing as how he's constantly listing "the bearer's skill" as a weakness, it seems pretty ludicrous to not include "it's highly unlikely you'll even be able to lift the thing" as one.

Okay, not only is the creator of this thing is so stupid that he lists "virtually indestructible" as a weakness not once but twice, but he also fails to realize that the fact Thor's hammer can only be wielded by Thor himself is a pretty big weakness.

Couldn't agree with you more about Yoda in the prequels, @disqus_DT8q1VdPN9:disqus . That was some incredibly dumb-looking shit in a trilogy full of dumb-looking shit.

Generation Blurb.

Heh. Afloat.

Said hypothetical little brother probably isn't very good at the game and probably doesn't have anything interesting and/or humourous to say while playing it. Also, of course when you're waiting to PLAY a game, it's frustrating to watch someone else play it.


Not to sound unsupportive or anything but…don't these women have agents? Whose job it is to get them the largest amount of money possible? Why not just tell them "don't settle for 10% of what the male star is getting"?

Stay out of Nathan Rabin's territory, jackass. Using the phrase "case file #[number]" is for closers.

I have issues with the scene in Blade II where the vampires attack Blade's stronghold and they have a swordfight and everyone turns into Mr. Fantastic. Seriously, that scene has *not* aged well.