
I'm just perpetually confused as to why Green Lantern doesn't create a huge hot tub filled with apple sauce and a giant felt snail, but then people are always telling me that I have the wrong kind of imagination.

I liked him in Blade 3. Patton Oswalt has a great story about how Wesley Snipes wouldn't even bother showing up on set for any scene he wasn't in, which was a lot because all the dialogue was done via crosscutting and they used a body double for the shots he didn't speak in, so all the other actors, Reynolds included,

He's a learning computer. He understands how revolted human beings are by anime, and has thus stopped mentioning it as often.
Mark my words: years from now, when we're all slaves in Mohd's used panties factories, we'll all wish we'd heeded the warning signs.

I made this comment elsewhere, but I think the concept of interconnected videogame consoles as the new "undiscovered country" that our heroes have to travel to in the wake of arcade closures has merit.

I think they should leave the arcade trope behind and transport the world to interconnected videogame consoles. Think of the possibilities!

"Hey, Willie!"
*canned laughter*

Except that they totally cheated and had Ralph get rescued by Vanellope.
I love Wreck-It Ralph, and yes, that scene did make me tear up, but I'm getting really tired of these kind of movies wanting to have their cake and eat it too as far as characters nobly sacrificing themselves (there is an article about exactly

Shocked…and relieved.
Seriously, that guy gets so many firsties I'm starting to think he's some sort of sentient A.I. How long before he decides we are the enemy?

Morally justified, even.

Reading your posts, I'm beginning to get the sense that you're not pro-royal.

A custom more honoured in the breach than in the observance, @Lurky_McLurk:disqus .

I thought Australia was a republic now.


Tim, Tim, Benzedrine!
Hash, boo, Valvoline!
Clean, clean, clean for Gene!
First, second, neutral, park,
Hie thee hence, you leafy narc!
EDIT: DAMN IT, should have read down further first.

I think that's her on the far left.

The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition?

I promise you'll get a Shenmue game if you give me $50.

So, people actually *do* buy stuff just because movies/TV/music tells them to?
Huh. Carry on, I guess.

How many dicks is that?

Those aren't tater-tots, they're MEXI-FRIES, pal.
Seriously though, I never understood that.