
Just giving him one was ridiculous enough (as was giving one to Yoda).

You're forgetting there is a large contingent of people who are into the Star Wars movies but don't give a flying fuck about the EU. Myself, for instance.

I think that's because Palpy and Vader are both from the OT, back when the gimmicks served the story and not vice versa.

Sure! It's called Eight-leg….
Oh. I get it.

My bad. I did scan the comments for mention of it before posting, but apparently not thoroughly enough.

No love out there for the "other" 90s spider-themed horror-comedy, Eight-Legged Freaks?
Fine, I'll watch it by myself.

Not even remotely a great job, Internet.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: George Lucas's true gift to the movie world is technical, not artistic. Between ILM and THX sound, he gave us the tools to make modern movies.
*This*, and not the original Star Wars movies, are why he should get a pass, despite shitting all over his legacy for so long that

You can't just take something back after giving it to me. That would make you an, uh, an…

Maybe they can collaborate with some of the people who did set dec on L.A. Confidential? They *nailed* the period detail in that movie.

I don't know about you, but I find something deeply disturbing about a man who puts on red leather gloves to eat hamburgers.

As a huge fan of sub movies, I will definitely check it out. The best sub movie of all time is, of course, the director's cut of Das Boot, but a close runner-up for me is Run Silent, Run Deep.

If he's going to be featured at all in Apocalypse, they're gonna have to shake up how his power looks, because in First Class he always looked like he was using a hula hoop.… (comes in at about 0:15)

In the first paragraph the author describes a hypothetical situation where you don't want to play a game on PC because you want to use a controller. Yes, I commented before reading the whole article, but it was a bullshit line, especially since he later says he uses on on PC.

Straightedge albino gay wizard has had enough of your failure.

Thanks for that - I've been feeling kinda old lately, what with all the whippersnappers and pipsqueaks on the comment boards.

So, what you're saying is that this is Chewie's 7th Han?

Heh heh. "Eliminated".

Well, consider me schooled. I could've sworn he was Hank in the Ultimate Avengers reboot, though.