
I don't get it…this person actually ate all this stuff? In one day? How is she still alive?

"It’s a shooter, but Evolve ironically doles out less physical pain than most of its multiplayer brethren"
Uh, what exactly is the irony here?

Thanks for the link, but I couldn't get past a few pages before the author's constant attempts at "humour" made me close the page in disgust.

No thanks. You can add me to the seemingly endless list of people who aren't interested.

I knew next to nothing about the Pacific Campaign, so watching it was great for me solely from a learn-some-history vewpoint. I like it about the same as BoB, but man, I couldn't believe how hellish the conditions the Marines endured were. Not to diminish what soldiers went through in Europe, but the episode set in

I'm the judge!

He's practically begging you not to, @avclub-654994917d3301946da8540d7d560004:disqus , you heartless monster!!!!

And *that's* why RE4 is a perfect example of how you do an escort quest right, @avclub-24285ac5fdc310a2a0b518e5d86cd608:disqus .

Oh, I am so totally going to use argumentum ad Batmanum the next time I get in an argument. Don't worry, @avclub-6422e3b9b5a4d5582042acbf6096cb8d:disqus , I'll credit you.

I got my sister that Snacking Dead cookbook for Christmas last year. She's a huge Walking Dead fan, but she's also basically a vegetarian, so it came out as a wash.

Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, @avclub-4c37107b9dedb73b90f677930bf7728b:disqus , at least it's an ethos.

Anger towards smug son of a bitches is a sure sign of not being loved by your mother.

Well, yeah, that was probably the real reason. But I prefer my memory to be selective.

I always had an authentic, home-made costume, because my mother loved me.

London is Falling 2: London Calling

The Bourne Redundancy?

Basically, exactly what it sounds like, but not a real word. Similar to being "skeeved out" by something, although that may be a regional thing and not familiar to you.

Never go full Neeson.

That 50 Cent LP is fucking amazing. I highly recommend it to pretty much anyone. I haven't thought about it in ages; I'm totally going to look those two guys up now and see what else they've done. Thanks, @GamblingManTellySavalas:disqus !

"James Doohan of “beam me up” fame"
What the holy living FUCK does that mean? Does the author think that was James Doohan's catchphrase, and the writers chose to incorporate it into the series.
That is some shitty, shitty writing, man.