
I predict someone with the handle One Million Milfs was born shortly after your comment, @avclub-62325c1f7b77fb45c3ac91790b4cd2d6:disqus . Kudos sir.

Rush's "Freewill" the "beginning of the loathsome 80s subgenre of overly sincere, inspirational, self-empowering pop/rock"? Fuck you very much. Try reading the lyrics, asshole.

I think the examples given are true because they (minus Spiderman 2, I suppose, although I'm not sure) didn't fall into the traditional "game based on movie" model. The reason almost all movies based on games suck is that they're treated as promotional material rather than a thing in and of itself, thus everything -

Movies based on games suck, and games based on movies suck. That's pretty much a truism. What is interesting, though, is movies taking *elements* from games, and vice versa, and using them to do stuff people wouldn't have thought of otherwise.. This, I think, is where we will start to see some greatness.
Yes, I am

Pretty sure ATM costs extra.

I can't wait to hear all the real science behind how a woman turned into a plant.

Wait, "Same Love" is obnoxious? Why? Since when? Did I miss something?

Oh, come on. This guy *has* to be doing a bit. There is no way he is taking himself seriously.

Is that game any good? I've been looking for another good LotR game ever since Return of the King on the GameCube, but War in the North got pretty shitty reviews so I stayed away.

Drow, or dark elves, had ultravision. WHAT ISN'T LEGOLAS TELLING US.

Were they dino-prints or human prints? Because I could totally see Mr. Attenborough giving an Apatosaurus a fireman's lift when it got tired.

What the hell is going on with this site's (prose? editorial?) style? This reads like something out of Entertainment Weekly or People Magazine.