Jane *is* the... blue passport

I was a picker for a bit. I did care, but we were on the clock so of course minor blemishes were missed. Some of my non-food-appreciating colleagues didn’t give a damn though.

Peta don’t have a monopoly on welfare. I choose to support welfare in my own life and with organisations that aren’t racist and sexist and generally full of bullshit.

Throw the book at the dipshit.

Careful now, if you’re mean we’ll bite your kneecaps off as we scuttle past

And most of us are still alive and well, so if you are generally a fit healthy person, why worry?

Not criticising but slightly baffled- pups can go in your own garden/yard to toilet, it’s areas with potentially unvaccinated dogs you need to avoid. It just seems to be double the workload to then teach pup to toilet indoors, then suddenly never toilet indoors.

But not horrific for the lady who was hit, apparently.

Disclaimer- my social bubble is very left-leaning.

I suspect the nearest Mancunian would cut the cable and spit on it. That’s just insulting. If you don’t wanna play, don’t sign up.

I am curious as to whether Muslims in different countries have more trouble with fasting when Ramadan falls on such long days, but then filed that away under “none of my damn business”. I do remember my schools trying to be careful around summer Ramadans in terms of scheduling sports classes and so on.

You can’t clean blocks or drawers with slit holders though.

(skipped through the thread but noticed this comment, go you indeed! :) )

This particular lady is really obsessed with King Richard III. I won’t knock her persistence in getting him found, and treated respectfully, but there is something very over the top​ about having him as this sacred being. This sort of... protectiveness...comes across if you see or hear her speak on the matter to.

You may notice I’m not Carl, however I have eaten wild waterfowl. They are delicious. In particular, the flavour is stronger / gamier compared to domestic duck. Sort of how pheasant would compare to chicken. Or even rare-breed/pastured chicken compares to industrial chicken. Depending on the season, the amount of fat

Harsh, I’ve been demoted to the greys!

Sounding a bit choleric there, you better start chewing on some aloe vera.

Not to mention the risk of the house burning down while you’re out, or someone breaking in...

You should have stopped after the first two sentences, there.

I won’t use a harness on my dog. She’d wriggle and hang herself during the drive, and then be catapulted and have her neck broken in a crash (footage of previous crash tests show the dummy dog being decapitated).

But is it better than crockpot oxtail? Because that would save me a few quid :)