Sadly, yes. Also many dogs are quite subtle. Or maybe like mine, are a bt neurotic (*this* kind of hug is great but *this* kind of hug is WRONG)
Sadly, yes. Also many dogs are quite subtle. Or maybe like mine, are a bt neurotic (*this* kind of hug is great but *this* kind of hug is WRONG)
You don’t HAVE to move, no. Like you don’t HAVE to jump out of the way of a maniac cyclist, and you don’t HAVE to avoid that dark alley with a loitering gang, and you don’t HAVE to stay away from that riptide, and you don’t HAVE to walk your dog right around that herd of cattle.
“smeghead” exists but is way too mild
I was just wondering if it would be appropriate for me to butt in and post this
I heard of someone hiking past a house and calling police over all the bones they caught sight of. A taxidermist’s house, it turned out...
Yeah. I give money (or time, or coffee) without expectation of getting it back. If I do, bonus! If not, I get my ass saved in another way (pet sitting or car help or...)
I used to dye them until I got allergic. Dead simple!
Do you think it is literally the word “park” that influences this attitude? I think of a park as a public garden, with play facilities and a café. Our large outdoor spaces tend to be reserves or AONB (“area of outstanding natural beauty”) which doesn’t bring up the same mental image.
Honestly, it sucks. I had to give up my dream job due to illness, and that really stings still. It’s ok to mourn that, if it gets that far! Don’t overthink yoir 6 month break though - this is a chance for you to focus on whatever treatments or lifestyle changes you might need.
I don’t get the landlord - normally they are so strict even if it’s a fear of losing money on unpaid rent, smashed doors, etc etc etc. Does your council or local authority have any kind of antisocial behaviour unit?
(confession - haven’t actually watched vid because wifi troubles. But you normally plant kale in spring and eat it over the following winter so not sure what you’d do with it in August :) )
Odd time of year to be planting kale :/
The women in my family are long lived, and I fully intend to embrace the terrifying crone stage of life.
I can’t decide if this piece is genuine or a piss-take :/
I’m a nice person (I hope? Mostly?) who enjoys blood and guts. It’s cathartic. It’s satisfying, on some level. The amount of shit I (and many people) put up with each day, and I will not take frustration out on family and friends. So I watch Dexter chop up a bad guy, or teenage idiots getting chased by some guy with a…
Oops, I mustn’t have scrolled down far enough to see other comments.