Jane *is* the... blue passport

There are aristrocrats, footballers / footballer’s wives, and then there are the proles.

It’s not *always* about looks. There can be chafing or trapping or things getting twisted :/

I went commando in jeans once. Once.

YES! My dad has to wear an old wind-up watch because he kills battery powered ones!

Oh that’s impressive! I break things just enough to be annoying, but not enough to warrant replacing the item. It all just goes a bit wonky :/

I’m reading these electric-based stories and I’m suddenly wondering if my fatal effect on most gadgets is something... not natural...

All of a sudden I can’t move, can’t breathe, can’t fight this thing off of me. It unhinges its jaw like a freaking snake and makes the worst screeching noise I’ve ever heard (like metal on metal, almost) and slowly starts bending down into my face. That’s when I hear “WAKE UP.”


The new ep is called “The Abominable Bride” which does not fill me with hope :/

I only watch it for the guy going DING off the propellor.

yeeees because we’ve worked out how to divine the future and see who turns out nasty and nice...

Is that gruyere I spy? Or are they all local French ones?

I, uh, will spare you from my other cheese gif.

...just call it wibbly wobbly?

I always have a momentary hesitation between panna cotta and panetone!

Oh I do hope so

Also - “in pig”. That’s amazing. I’m using it if I ever have to announce that event :D

They can rebrand it as blancmange maybe??

It’s an innocent site, if you don’t mind Spotted Dick. Ahem. No, really, it’s food based.