Jane *is* the... blue passport

It’s exactly what The Real Unsharer said. If woman has sex = whore. If she doesn’t = Madonna (as in virgin as in frigid these days)

I’ve still got a few screws in my bag that I think are off a washing machine

How have you gone your whole life without knowing the Madonna/whore dichotomy?

Yes, emptying and rinsing cups of blood in tiny sinks of public bathrooms is SOOOO clean.

I would, but the yellow staining gets everywhere :/

...I’m gonna need to know where you work?

I’m 82% sure it’s a toddlers-n-tiaras one

y’all need to see Coriolanus

This is the nice version...

I know where they can put their Ds

It’s ok, I met them online. Hermit status confirmed.

I’m afraid not, he’s friendly like a (softly spoken) puppy. Pianoforte is never a bad idea though/


If you can get to Derbyshire, UK, then I know just the lovely man for you. Though he talks really really quietly so you have to have good hearing.

I know that feeling, mainly applied to rabbits and pheasants. Quickest way to make me crave a salad!

I get that.

Also coming back to grouse about *multiple* bannings does indeed confirm that banning was the right move.

I’m an English! It’s ok. Where have you come from? Culture shock is a real thing, even if you’re from somewhere pretty similar, but the Brits tend to be very forgiving of someone being reserved / shy / “a bit different” (comparing to America where it seems that being an introvert is some kind of disorder, you know?).

Stain / paint and change the handles. Handles make a massive difference.

I’m not up on my military rankings, so I really hope leiu...lieieeeu....leftenant is pretty damn high up ;)