Well, maybe, but also quite possibly not.
Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and…
Uh... you know that diverse groups have diverse opinions and people get to voice them. Progressive people tend to get this. It’s not “infighting” or “eating your own” or whatever else detractors want to call it. Our diverse movement can support and respect multiple opinions at the same time - even ones individuals…
Oh I am way beyond irritated. No, assholes. You refused to get over having a Black president to the point where you cheerfully ruined America. I am extending you the same courtesy.
Everyone has lied to me, everyone has deceived me… the SS has left me in the lurch. The German people have not fought heroically. It deserves to perish… it is not I who have lost the war, but the German people
It’s like she bought a dress from a Cache on Bajor, before loosing 15 lbs on a juice cleanse and decided “fuck it, I have nothing else to wear.”
But remember y’all, Melania will finally bring
class and stylewhite skin* back into the white house.
“the deal was reached a week ago, but has been kept ‘a big secret’ because Michele’s camp feared the seven days of criticism that would surely lead up the divisive President-elect’s big day.”
Hampton calls Collins’ abuse “so personal, [it’s] none of my business.”
This is so good. And mirrors so much of what I feel. Hopeless and angry and just so fucking full of rage at the class of men that I don’t know what to do with myself.
Remember that even Jesus flipped tables and whipped motherfuckers.
According to CBS, her attorney said that the woman isn’t a “lunatic” or a “racist,” but someone with an “alcohol problem.” Burchard-Risch, meanwhile, had nothing to say, either to Jama or to the court.
Can you simultaneously forgive someone and punch them in the face? Asking for an enemy...
“But I just wanted to tell you in front of everybody today that I do forgive you. My religion teaches me to forgive so that I can move on with my life. If I hold a grudge and I hold the hate you hold towards me against you, it’s not going to serve me well. So in front of everybody here, I do forgive you, and I hope…
Just as absurd as a virgin birth, walking on water, multiplying fish and loaves of bread, transubstantiation, and rising from the dead in my opinion. Religions are absurd.
I keep thinking back to my high school English teacher. If I had turned that in as a sentence in an essay, he would have handed it back to me and said “You like to show off? How about you diagram this sentence for the class.”
America, let’s talk..