That's not the Daily Planet building, but we want to believe.

True story, I dated a guy who lived down the street from the ice cream truck depot in the West Village. Around 5pm, every summer evening, they all roll out as an adorably coordinated sugar-fueled cheer army. The jingles were always delightful because even though they were loud, they just sound like happiness.

I’m a Renaissance art historian. Madonnas were not modeled on prostitutes. In the 15th century they were specifically modeled on ideals of beauty rather than any one person. Most painted and sculpted ladies have a standard “period face” that makes them look pretty similar, albeit with variations depending on a

Knowing a bit a about art history, isn’t it actually very likely that many if not most Madonnas were modeled on prostitutes? Seems naive to think they wouldn’t be...

“There was a general principle that a person should not put himself in a dangerous situation.”

Dude: “It’s in the Torah”

Somewhere, Nicole Kidman is reading this and cackling.

My 13 year old daughter does special fx! She’s attending a camp for it next week and I’m really excited. She’s self-taught so far so it’ll be interesting to see how/if she changes technique with instruction. Here’s her latest:

noun nui·sance \ˈnü-sən(t)s, ˈnyü-\
an annoying or troublesome person, thing, or situation

After Christmas, I went to pick up my car from the body shop. As I was waiting, I asked my service rep (early 40s white dude) how was his holiday. He said horrible. He proceeded to tell me that he found out his grandfather molested his aunt (his grandfather’s stepdaughter) and his other aunt (the grandfather’s bio

No to play Captain Obvious here, but that person who said you deserved getting your breast twisted for talking to the guy? That person is not your friend.

That man is absolutely not your friend and you have no obligation to be nice, to communicate with him, to make eye contact with him, see him ever again, nothing at all. Block his number and warn your other friends.

“That is not me. That is not him,” Norton said in court.

The point isn’t that people are outraged about the amount of golf that D. James Trump is playing. It’s that the people who complained about Obama are now OK with it.

“And speaking as a golfer, who goddamn really cares about how much golf these guys play?”

The Trumper last bastion of credibility: defend the golf record.

A fact compiled and reported by a CBS White House reporter. Literally the most mainstream media job in the country. You didn’t bother to check the source when you first read that fact in your media?

Let’s see, 333 rounds over eight years, that’s 42 annually if we round up. Trump is at, what, minimum 30 so far? Yup, definitely comparable.

there is literally no outrage or snark in this blog i love isabelle huppert and she also frightens me

His whole over-publicized redemption tour screamed of emotional abuse and gaslighting to me. The pic of him grabbing a woman’s ass sealed the deal for me.

appropriate user name. also your username makes me wanna cry??