Niemtzow argued that the casino should have known he drank until he got alcohol poisoning at another casino months before, and that his girlfriend also shouldn’t have been served, as she was on probation for drunken driving.
Niemtzow argued that the casino should have known he drank until he got alcohol poisoning at another casino months before, and that his girlfriend also shouldn’t have been served, as she was on probation for drunken driving.
Dang, there should be a mandatory “good dog” story between posts as a palate cleanser.
I’ll comment because I’ve yet to gain star power here.
Eve has always been responsible for Adam’s sins.
Why do we do this to women who come forward? Fucking bullshit man. And now we have a President elect who openly brags about sexual assualt. The impact is going to be exponential if it wasn’t alreadt. Brb going to jump off a cliff
Daddy Trump wants his kids and son-in-law to get top security clearance. This is NOT a joke. They’re gonna run America like a Mob family business. I wonder how long it will be before they try to get clearance for Alex Jones.
Yeah, after fighting Lyme disease for 2 years and ruining my intestines with antibiotics, I don’t need friends who are giggling at me or consider me a pain in the ass. Don’t invite people if you’re not happy to have them there. By the way it’s not always allergies, sometimes it’s FODMAP which is malabsorption and can…
Jez should create a living document of all these stories. There are already hundreds and it’s been four days.
I can boo AND vote!
Free speech my friend. Just as he had the right to say every despicable thing that dribbled from his fish mouth, he also must face the consequences of said free speech.
“This one tells us that kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome and bestiality are all just fine, as long as the girl finds love in the end.”
i cannot tell you how many people I pass on the street who don’t cover their mouths AT ALL! I give them nasty looks and cover my mouth, but they don’t care. they look at me like i am the weirdo. Parents - why are you not raising your children correctly???
There is a difference between a casual remark and an email, as one newspaper found out in a recent libel suit. But more, if I were these women, I would expect that my fellow athletes view me as a sister or a colleague, not as meat to be graded.
A busload of people and one person acts. (Eventually two.) That’s a scary level of apathy. I know someone is going to say that it was okay for them to not get involved because “you never know” but I’m going to preemptively say fuck that. The aggressor was totally outnumbered and no one had to get physical if they were…