ARE YOU ME?! I'm in my early 30s and am only a few years into my makeup life, and I totally feel like I missed that window of being able to practice and look crazy without anyone judging you because you're a 14-year-old child stage. I've watched so many eye makeup tutorials, and it all seems to make sense, but then my…
I totally remember Fran Drescher on a late night show, demonstrating a speech therapy technique about "low, slow, flow"—and mid-sentence, her voice changed into this very smooth, deeper thing. She was talking about how she'd been working so hard to "fix" her voice and then ended up having great success playing this…
The wide-wale corduroy! Wide. Wale. Gahhhh!
That reminds me of an episode of Say Yes to the Dress I saw a few months ago. They were featuring a bride who thought she was going to be challenging to fit because she was particularly chesty. So the consultant walks in, listens to the bride, and is like, "Ohhh, I see. [gives knowing, conspiratorial look, conjuring…
Just... stick me somewhere in the middle and I'll be happy.
OMG Mr Thorntonnnnnnadjf;;ladfskmmmmmm
While I think suing for a million dollars is a little frivolous, I do appreciate that it will bring this incident more publicity since I think it's important for people to hear about these things and understand that they are Not OK. I am also a Korean-American woman (born and raised in the Midwest) and have…
Well, if you're going to be tattooing your nipples anyway, why not throw have them throw in a few tromp l'oeil extras while they're at it? All the colors of the rainbow!
I like it. It can be an offshoot of Hertz or Alamo: Rent-A-Baby! "And will you be returning this baby with a fully gassy tank, or would you like us to take care of that for you?"
Oh my god, "OVER MY LIPS AND NOSE"——-I'm dying over here! A lot of people's first kisses weren't the best, but you have THE BEST STORY that you can tell forever and ever. I'm almost jealous.
{Aaa, zmrzlina is maybe my favorite word ever!! Vyborny!}
I think one of the great injustices of this universe is that I never got to see my cat as a wee kitten. I just know she would have been THE CUTEST because she's still fluffy as an adult. As a kitten????? The potential flurffiness?? Of kitten floof?? Waaaaah!
Puppies puppies puppies puppies—PUPPIES! Puppies puppies puppies puppies—PUPPIES!
(She does!)
On the plus side, no warts!
SO MUCH CLICKING. Our only options to check up on what's being said in comments are "forward/back two" or "all the way the hell back to the start"? Whhhhyyyyyyyy
Except now you have to click a million times to get through the comment threads, two at a time!
First, they came for Jalopnik and Deadspin, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a bro.
I'm curious about this, too. The most recent approved comment I'm seeing here is from about 90 minutes ago (and then there are earlier threads still languishing in the grey). Seems a bit of a wait, and I just don't understand the process by which comments get graduated to the main section... Annnd I'm dreading…