
That's a really cute story. I hope your friends were proud of their daughter for being smart, if not the most communicative! And I hope they appreciate just how righteous PP is for being there for kids like her. My love for Planned Parenthood is deep and abiding!

Seriously. When I scrolled to the comments after reading, the delighted smile on my face slowly turned more and more into a gigantor WTF scowl. JESUS CHRIST, people. I should bookmark this page just in case I ever grow complacent over the (still!) urgent need for feminism in the 21st century.

Oh yeaaaaahhhhhh.

When a faith-based set of ethics threatens to impose itself on my bodily autonomy, then I start to become pretty intolerant, too.


How timely! I just returned post-Sandy to find this epic mansplanation in my inbox, from another discussion on women and body hair, explaining how men don't find hairy women attractive because NATURE and that I was misunderstanding/having a bad attitude to suggest there was anything wrong with that. Seriously, it's ele

Aaaannnd I just spent 35 minutes watching Shiba Inu videos. You got me again, youtube suggestions! Curses!

That's why I asked specifically about body hair, since that involves a much larger area than just the face (which, by the way, has its own host of hair removal issues for women, too). The more important point, though, is that men are seen as having the *option* of shaving or having beards or 4 days of stubble without

I loved that!

So I guess your armpits, legs, and "ugh" are completely smooth 24/7, four seasons of the year? Oh, wait, what's that? If you have a penis, you get a pass on the substantial amounts of time, effort, and money it would take to maintain that kind of appearance on a day-to-day basis? Well, bully for you.

Oh god, yes, "no-bread bullshit." Seriously, if some dude tried to push that on a post-pregnancy, post-delivery me? He would be getting a baguette up the ass so fast.

This kind of reads to me like... an able-bodied person who decides to spend a few months in a wheelchair, has a good time (with a few inconveniences), then emerges to find she hardly even notices the way her high heels used to give her blisters anymore.

How enlightened of you, to trade one narrowly-defined image of what is acceptable for a woman's appearance for another, slightly different one! And while denigrating the looks of a certain type of woman at the same time! You're multi-tasking!

I think it would be great for any men present to let it be known, loudly, that they didn't think this kind of thing were cool or funny. Only... don't act like it makes you a hero; you're just expressing the fact that you are a decent human being—and that's good! The world can always use another decent human being!

Oh my god, yes! I loved those bottles! CLEARLY CANADIAN, I MISS YOU.

Oh man, anyone who doesn't think cats are just The Best DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO LIVE.

Aaaaa I love this face!!!

I would much rather have coworkers stay home than come in and make everyone else sick. Better one person take a few sick days than for half the office to go down.

Neither of my parents came anywhere close to beginning "the talk," and I remained pretty oblivious about what sex actually was until well into puberty. Like maybe sometime in high school? But I remember earlier, maybe around 11ish, reading that Sweet Valley High book where Jessica is at the lake with a college boy (!)