I agree! Thanks for taking us through it all, Dvora!
I agree! Thanks for taking us through it all, Dvora!
This was really terrible. We did not get to see a single member of the US team after the pommels. Not even an attempt to make it look like anyone cared about them as soon as they slipped below third; not even one quick cutaway to show how the team rallied to finish as well as they could? SO LAME, NBC.
If he can't tether it to the top of a station wagon, HE'S NOT INTERESTED THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
I think they're just covered in chalk...
Seriously. Especially on the non-Jez Gawker sites, whenever she comes up, it brings out this wave of people who have been dying, just dying to make some crack about how she looks like a horse. It's like just because they don't want to fuck her, they take personal offense that she dares to walk around in public without…
I know! I have fond memories of playing it off CD-ROM ca. 1997. Kids today! :(
Oh, Dave. Thank you. I'm seriously practically tearing up over here at someone getting it.
"I'm sorry, I didn't have any of those other things." /Fruit Loops
I think you're being far too literal—or actually, not even technically literal, since nowhere in the original article does the author say "all" nerds/gamers are like this. Your comment inferred or extrapolated an "all" that is not there. The original article is like saying "America has a problem with obesity." Not…
She's somebody's daughter and (maybe) somebody's wife. Why should her treatment be any more acceptable just because she happens not to be connected personally to you? Attacks like these stem from a lack of empathy, of the attackers being unable to imagine her as a person like their daughter or their wife or their…
Yay! This is my first time commenting since they made the switch. Glorious!
I got that shit when shopping for something black to wear to my dad's funeral. FUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK YOOOOOOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously. Hear, hear, I say. Hear, hear.
HAHahahaha! Some night when you're at home alone, you'll see it in the corner of your eye, peeking its head up by one of the windows. "Remember meeeeeeeeeeee? sechavarrrrrrrrrrrr!"
Who gets productive smoking weed?? Seriously, does that happen for some people?
Oh god, architecture school was like a never-ending study in sleep deprivation. There was one morning after two all-nighters in a row where I caught myself staring at my face in the bathroom mirror, suddenly convinced that my two front teeth were horribly crooked (they are not, like at all), and that my face as a…
Ahhh, time warp is such a better idea than my previous plan of Zombie Steve McQueen.
Seriously. I can't stand these makeup-lentilists.
"Generic bimatoprost (Latisse) costs about $80 for a two year supply."