
It's been many long years since I abandoned my Methodist upbringing to join the atheistic hordes, but I'll be damned if this doesn't feel like one of those "footprints" moments...

Huh, unabashed racism and poor reading comprehension go hand-in-hand—who'd have guessed?

"without feeling the tears"

Maybe without using the (apparently) loaded term "privilege," you can understand how a person might not be as able to glibly proclaim they think "difference is awesome!" if they were to be automatically marked as "different" through no choice of their own? It changes your perspective of how benign this kind of "no big


I had that thought, too! For me, it has to be hollow. Solid, and you're just gnawing and getting things slobbery and gross. Do not enjoy. Biting into a hollow chocolate bunny, on the other hand, is a delight.

Thank you. Much more informative than what I could come up with and hits on just about every point that made me cringe.

So I guess all those times people made slanty eyes at me, or tried to communicate with ching-chong language, I should've thought, "oh, just different." Racism against Asian Americans so often gets undervalued because of the argument that it's not "negative," but can you understand why being constantly "othered" would

Honestly, it seems like the only way to avoid cancer is to die of something else first. No?

Taylor: So? Much? Upspeak? I think the kitty is just confused about her inflection?

Jon Krakauer writes all about it in Three Cups of Deceit ([byliner.com]), which used to be available for free but now seems not to be. It's so. depressing. Ugh.

I happened to listen to the original story on a cross-country drive, and everyone in the car was completely hooked. It's so well told, and I think that's part of why this is such a big story. It's definitely worth listening to, though I suppose hearing it while knowing so much is fabricated will change the

First the Three Cups of Tea guy. Now this. Am I to be left with none of my favorite utterly compelling, global consciousness-raising, travel memoirish stories?

I know! I was like, how can you hurt Ira Glass like that? YOU MONSTER.

When they hear the word "bitch," all they can feel is society trying to push a giant phallus toward their faces.

Do they not immediately replay each episode Mad Men after the original airs? I forget...

Is there some strange foreshortening happening, or do those Jedward kids have really enormous heads?

Does this mean the next Mike and Tom Eat Snacks podcast will be about Girl Scout cookies? Count me in!

That one might be my favorite, too! Kitty paws!!