
I agree with what marilove said, that somewhere along the line, she just got caught up in everything and became convinced that staying in the spotlight was the only/best way for her to provide for all those kids. I watched the show in the beginning and always appreciated the fact that she was very upfront about the

That sounds genuinely pleasant. Or like an excellent setup for a good serial killer movie! "He whistled Dvorak, but the only "new world" around was the new world of pain he was about to inflict!"

Argh! This is also one of my fears! That my accidentally displaying nervousness will make the guy angry and set him off somehow! It's that whole thing about women being conditioned to avoid upsetting people, sometimes to their own detriment. But I do sometimes think about that if I pick up my pace or cross the street

I do appreciate when guys do this, even when I feel a little bit silly about wanting a "Not going to assault you!" sign. But I want that sign! Plus, it saves me from executing my own "jesus, am I being too paranoid here?" street-crossing maneuver, which again, appreciated.

I hate, haaaaaate that the possibility of attack is always at the back of my mind if I'm walking around alone at night (necessary when you live in a public transit/pedestrian-oriented city and you know, you have a life to live that doesn't involve carting around a 24-7 chaperone). My internal monologue always goes

Seeing the Magnetic Fields is maybe the happiest, most content I've ever been at a concert!

My cat once woke me up just in time to find a strange man hanging halfway through my first-floor bedroom window. My subsequent jumping out of bed and screaming scared him off pretty quickly, though probably he would've skedaddled as soon as he realized the apartment wasn't as empty as it looked. Still, good call,

I have been. there. (And even worse since I had an online grocery delivery service!) Good for you for making it out, and even if it didn't go exactly as you'd wished, you still made it and you're still alive! Best of luck with the therapy and meds—I need to get back with the program, too. :hugs:

I want Michelle Obama to be my mom, my President, my spiritual advisor, and my best girlfriend.

Mobama 2016!


Pssh, who needs the studies? That's full of Vitamin A! It's already healthy as far as I'm concerned.

Well, thanks for that little exercise in retrograde stereotype reinforcement! For the record, the three tiniest dicks I've ever seen have all been attached to white dudes—what does it mean??! Could it possibly be that penis size varies from man to man, with little correlation to that man's height, hand size, or ethnic

Ask me! I've done it way too many times!

My cat has a real talent for waiting until the worst moment to let it all out. The last time I flew with her, she waited until after I'd just checked her puppy pad in the bathroom immediately before heading to the gate and getting onto the jetway with no turning back—in other words, precisely the longest possible time

I definitely had to close the book (or Kindle cover) and put it away for the night. That was a real gut puncher.

I think the incessant pounding of drums was making me feel physically ill... Effective, George RR!

I never "got" Kristen Bell until I finally mainlined all of Veronica Mars a few summers back. But now I get it! And this! Makes me love! (Ahem, LoVe!) Her! Even more! Forever! And ever! Please choose better movie projects!

Oh god. You know *exactly* what he's reading in those panels. Whhhhhyyyyyyy indeed!

Well, if you take out the "diet" part...