
@Sharif Youssef: As long as it wasn't some kind of hands-on lab, I don't see how that would really be disruptive. Knitting requires virtually no thought if you're good at it, and not every student needs constant note-taking to learn. Who knows, maybe she was knitting you an end-of-term present!

@diasdiem: You can never have too many ways to say "bitches be crazy"! LOLZ

Luckily, to be a model, you don't have to know how to pronounce "attributes" as a noun!

Jesus! How could that ever not end with someone getting punched in the nuts?

That rogue question mark is driving me nuts.

Could anyone really be dickish enough to comment about her looks as she's recovering from being shot in the fucking brain? (Don't answer that.) I can only imagine they haven't released photos of her as a basic privacy thing. I don't think I'd want my photo taken until I felt I was more 'myself' again, and I'm sure

Oh, super, let's Kindle sample this bitch. Doo-de-doo...

I could also go for a scroll bar on the right column. As it is, every little touch on my trackpad sends me careening through days' worth of headlines— or it would, if the sidebar would load again. Seems to have disappeared entirely now...

It's there (at least on my profile page). But whither our PMs?

Agreed— the "headlines only" thing is kind of balls.

Our user account pages are a bit troubling at the moment. And our PMs are where, exactly? Gone? Hiding? I don't know!

No! There is literally NO GOING BACK!

I think Kit is referring to margins inside the main article column, not on the outermost edges of the screen. I agree with both of you: need more white space within the text column, less white space outside.

It's up next to the time stamp!

The lack of hearts is sad-making. Where have all my friends gone? :-(

I'm still a bit sore over that change. Losing the ability to sort comments by oldest/newest/*most popular* has hurt the overall quality of commenting, particularly for people who can't get to stories right when they break and have to join in later. There's almost no point in leaving a comment if you're not there

If it would help at all, I would even be willing to go "Downtown" to make sure this happens....

Taste the happy, Jezebel!

@sully: Did "nothing" cancel?