
@lollilove: Have you seen Unzipped? It's a documentary about Isaac Mizrahi preparing his fashion line in the mid-90s. Chock full of all the models I remember from my YM and Seventeen days— Shalom, Kate Moss, Linda, Karen Mulder.

@buenosdias: Empirically untrue. And on a personal note, I cringe whenever someone says "all ___ are goodlooking." As if there were AKC breed standards. Gross. Even when it's meant with the best, most complimentary intentions. Still doesn't make me feel any better. Gross.

@bowleserised: Oh no, see, my tits are made out of sugar, so I have no problems there.

@vamusical: Nothing gets you through airport security faster than a merkin and a smile!

Oh Edward Norton. He did this little wink in the opening sequence of the Incredible Hulk that was seriously one of the sexiest things I've ever seen in my life. Swoooon! Sad now.

@mysterymeat: Legitimately cute from the front; but the back? You're heading into velour tracksuit territory there. I don't know... my ass just needs more structure to be in public.

@Konstantin Bothari: Oh, Veronica Mars! Why are all of my favorite shows always canceled? It's a very tragic life I lead.

@cestmaladroit: Have you tried the Beach Boys "Don't Worry Baby"? That sometimes helps!

@Gretchen: Someday, when I'm financially and geographically stable, I will have a large house where all the kittens can come live, forever.

@Calisee: Thanks for the input! The way my apartment is set up, kittens could either go in the living room or the bathroom. The living room is obviously bigger, but there's a lot more opportunity for them to get into trouble there. Is a bathroom all right for little ones?

Has anyone here ever fostered kittens? It's the last thing I need to be thinking about, but during my totally gratuitous browsing of pets on craigslist lately, I've been seeing calls for foster volunteers for the season's kittens. I don't have the biggest apartment, and I already have a cat, but if kittens are in

@ktbarnes: I thought of this one, too. One of the most emotionally raw and unself-conscious crying scenes ever. Totally killer.

@that_september: That's kind of sweet, actually. He seemed like he was just trying to find a way to strike up a conversation and then left immediately (and politely) when he found you weren't available. Would that they could all be so harmless!

@NymeriaWolf: I like this story better than any of the winners.

@thequeenofstartingover: Ah- the expander! I remember there was a little key thing that could be inserted and turned to make it get a leeetle bit wider, and they had my dad do it in between visits. Terrible!

@MissPork: Few things in this world make me angrier than people who get behind the wheel when they're under the influence.

Just two minutes before my chilled out, wifi-having 1am bus to New York was supposed to depart, and who should appear but crying baby. Of course.

@Dorilys: God, I still feel this way, and my 30th birthday is nigh...

@Fanita: Freaky—- I just finished randomly watching that on my computer!