Miata’s are driven by hairdressers #gayasfuck
Miata’s are driven by hairdressers #gayasfuck
Why even say such a stupid thing. None of us truly care about a bunch of strangers. And if you do then you should get your head checked.
Really? How can you be so stupid?
Fuck you! Stupid fucking nigger anyway. You don’t even get it, do you? Maybe I should just hunt you down.
I have lost all respect for this automotive website. What makes you think you can get away with slander such as this? All of this Russia nonsense is just that: nonsense.
YOU! You stupid piece of shit liberal?! What in the name of all the is holy are you doing on this website? Haven’t you choked on your own tongue by this point?! UUUGH! Fuck you!
They can pass all the laws they want, but it will never stop me from smoking out Pious morons and bicyclists. I chipped my 7.3 F350 and run a 5" straight pipe. Makes absolute clouds and it’s hilarious to just roll up beside some unsuspecting fuck then leave them in the dust. It’s even better in the summer due to…
Oh to read a jalopnik article some day that isn’t just ripe with spelling and grammar errors. It’s like all y’all are just failed journalists.
He was not a veteran. He was a pathetic little excuse for a kid. Now go fuck your self you stupid cunt.
Sure, in the same way an S-Class looks like a Chevy Malibu.
What a sickening, stupid story. Mexicans and Jews are the scourge of this green earth and should be wiped off of it. God damned sand niggers too.
Nope, sorry but you’re wrong. The best wiper blades are made by PIAA, not Michelin. Michelin makes tires. PIAA makes wiper blades and headlights.
Nope, sorry but you’re wrong. The best wiper blades are made by PIAA, not Michelin. Michelin makes tires. PIAA makes…
Maybe if you didn’t have a garage consisting of POS fucked up old jalopies you could get places whenever you wanted to? PS, what makes you think any of us care about your stupid ass Jeeps in the first place?
Great! Stupid fucking jews have ruined this world. It’s really a shame Hitler didn’t finish off all of them. We all would be so much better off if he did.
Jesus seriously? This is just the new E63 wagon. Moving on. Stupid fucking post anyway.
Look nobody fucking cares about your stupid fucking POS Jeep, so why don’t you just go away already? Let somebody else post up about some fun cars instead.
Yeah how about no.
Good. Screw electric cars, screw Tesla motors, and screw this fag. I hate him. So much. And his stupid greenie-weenie cars.