
But it looks worse than the old one!

[Writing an article about “Millennials” supposedly buying cars all wrong] sounds great—except it’s a lazy and stupid way to buy a car write about people and generate clicks.

This is what happens when a country has zero financial education in schools.

Because public transit in Minnesota is awesome! :/

This trend of electronic shifters is ridiculous. What was wrong with the old system? A column shift is in “park” all the way up and console shifter is in “park” all the way forward. No looking for indicator lights or pushing a lever four times.

Something as important as controlling whether a car moves forward, back, or

I so HATE consoles with the silly gear selector for automatic transmissions. Put those levers back on the column where they belong! And give me my bench and split bench front seats! :)

1st Gear: This Trend Must Be Stopped

Automatics should just have the same PRNDL shifter layout that they’ve always had. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Using a PRNDL shifter is super easy and I don’t need to look at the shifter when I’m parking because I know what gear it’s in just by clicking it around. Column-mounted shifters are acceptable as well.

Put the shifter back on the column, it’s wasting useful space in a majority of automatic cars. No need for that there at all.

I don’t understand why companies need to rethink the console shifter. If you want a knob or buttons okay, but taking a shifter that worked with the “PRNDL” and changing it where you need to push forward to go into reverse and pull back to go into drive, push a button for park....WHY??? You want a lever, fine, but have

Hey auto makers, PRNDL isn’t broken, stop trying to fix it!

1st Gear:

I hate the fact that now most gear shifters are next to the cup holders and all. I want it back on the steering wheel. I want back the space to put my wallet and phone. Exception of course if manual cars, but in an automatic, please put it back on the steering wheel so my daily drivers can get more comfortable.

1st gear. I’m all about standardizing the gear shift, if you catch my drift.

I’m with you completely on the self-centering shift levers. I recently rented a Ford C-Max and several times after parking, I took my foot off the brake, thinking the car was in park, but it wasn’t. Drove me nuts.

1st gear: I agree completely. PRNDL works. Every driver can use a PRNDL shifter without having to relearn it. Under stress, they won’t screw it up. These shifters move into different positions, which gives visual and tactile cues as to which gear you are in.

Not a big fan of CR for some car-related stuff, but no issue with them going to bat on the gear shift issue. This is a good opportunity for them to throw their weight around to good benefit.

My problem with these new shifter tstyles is that they lack an intuitive approach. I almost got the BMW Sportwagon and made peace with no manual (which btw would solve all these problems, manuals for everyone!) but that shifter, oi. If you have to look at it to verify hat gear it is in, it’s nice and fancy and all but

Yes, it’s called ergonomics—making controls commonsense to cut down on bonehead mistakes. God forbid the engineers at the car companies should do their jobs correctly. Or is the answer to allow them to do their jobs correctly?