Einstein von Brainstorm


You eat enough MSG kill an elephant!

Don’t eat pizza if you’re allergic to pizza. Tell your doctor if you have been to an area where the pizza is known as Chicago style. 

How dare these dirty athletes ignore a proud tradition that stretches all the way back to 2009!

I really love when businesses make it super easy for me to never give them my money.

kind of funny that a guy named McCormick is mis-identifying a seasoning...

New episodes ran at 10 PM (As did all their first-run original programming - they called it “The 10 Spot”) but reruns ran pretty much constantly, wherever they needed to plug a gap in the schedule.

Monday at 5:30 PM? Sure. 1:15 AM on Thursday? Why not. Sunday afternoon? Oh, brudder, strap in for a dozen episodes in a

they could bring back the nightly show. I miss it.

Or it was intended for Rick Grimes.

That album was my senior year in high school. Such a left field album coming off Whatever and Ever Amen.

Look, everyone — save for Mr. Belding and Screech — were terrible people in Saved by the Bell. Zack and Slater constantly at odds, cheating on significant others and trying to break each other up so they could date their respective girlfriends, money scams, Lisa being a materialistic spoiled brat, Jessie constantly

It’s a sign of maturity when one’s fantasies about beautiful actresses stop involving sex and start involving getting them help with the obvious mental health issues they must have to be attracted to someone like oneself.

NO YOU GET CANCERAIDS! I’m not about to let blatant firsties off the hook here. Someone must keep the Old AV Ways alive

EVERYTHING causes cancer in the state of California. I worked in a shop and the running joke every time we pulled any chemicals/sealants/glues/etc off the shelf was “Good thing I’m not in California.”

DINGDINGDING! We have a winner! Seriously, how frustrating would that be for a lawyer to be constantly telling him the wisest course of action and he intentionally finds the literal furthest thing from that to do.

The fact that I disagree with Roseanne’s politics is exactly the reason this is a must watch for me.

Here’s a little bit about about Sam and Diane, Two Bostonian kids showing up on TV Land: Sam used to be a baseball star; Diane, debutante waitress when Sumner fled the bar.

ugh what the Hellman