
The last thing you see before he closes the door to the dungeon

My mom was 18 when she started going out with my 38 year old dad. They’re still together, though now it has evened out and they’re 64 and 84.

Legit shocked at how shitty he looks.


Can we do it for real? Pretty please?

Another view.

Never ever stop posting this.

yeah i get like a pedeophile shouldn’t be allowed to be a teacher right

but why does it disqualify him from playing football and not literally any other job where he will also interact with men and women?

like what EXACTLY about playing sports is it that disqualifies him?

What he did was horrible and wrong. I’m in no way excusing or dismissing what he did. But, he was tried, convicted and served his time. As long as he is an upstanding member of the community and campus, I have no problem with him going to college and playing football.

Agreed. I’m really glad I don’t work in a position of authority at Youngstown State.

What about grizzly bears? Did you libtards ever stop to think about that?

yeah, just like POTUS...ever vigilant

Look I don’t watch Sponge Bob Square Pants because it makes you gay ok? Oh wait too late.

As did I. Which resulted in an awkward conversation with my mum when I was 7 and we went to NYC and got on the subway.

It IS kinda scary how enthusiastically Spongebob lets himself be exploited by a comically evil super capitalist. I sometimes wonder whether they show really IS brainwashing kids...

“If you want to cut abortions maybe fund better sexual health services.”

I would sue to be unblocked and then block him.

This is just like when people petitioned the Postmaster General to force the delivery of Franklin Pierce’s angry missives tossed off in a drunken rage during the Great Presidential Bender of 1856.