
Not only that, but it’s literally one of the easiest things to do. It takes something happening that is completely out of the President’s control, a Supreme Court seat opening up. It also requires very little effort, especially when you pick a federal judge who has already been confirmed at least once. It’s the

And like that was even an accomplishment. They picked a random kid for a game of kick ball and then fucking blew up the rules to ram it down our throats. Oh yeah, great job guys. Couldn’t even get that one done without making up new rules for yourselves. Buttpuppets.

I’d be humiliated of my legacy if I was known as that SCOTUS judge who got picked by Trump. We all know that in 10, 20 years Trump will be looked back as the laughably worst president of all time.

Yup, only accomplishment (and Trump supporters are extremely happy to be able to have that to point to) and it literally took two unprecedented acts of trampling on the Constitution to get it done.

I bet the black person in Iowa is pissed.

Maybe let the grass roots give it a shot for once.

Who knew it would be this complicated?

“Duterte’s under investigation for War Crimes? Fire those guys doing the investigation! Worked with Comey, didn’t it?”

Jagazi’s owner, Chizo Onuh, also told the Huffington Post that her company does not sell through Walmart nor have an account with the retailer.

On the plus side, it can do the work of 20 racists in half the time.

wanted to give you a star but you’re currently at 69 and i won’t be the one to ruin that

The genius of this is the Austria portion cause he would confuse. Take my generic star

Didn’t defamer post an article about how he creeps on underaged girls?

Not enough popcorn in all of time and space for all this delicious salt.

If you see something, say something.

I’m waiting for Rule 34 to really kick in on this new doctor.

Because it shows a full commitment to the lifestyle choice of never, ever, getting a conventional working-for-The-Man- type job? Or a badge of true, balls-out, proud stupidity and lack of impulse control? I usually see both concepts as negatives, but takes all kinds, I guess.

This was told to me by a former employee: he was working as a cook in a place where one of the other staff had a neck tattoo he’d gotten when he was 19 or 20. If I remember correctly this guy had a degree in something but never could get a position in his chosen field thanks to the tattoo which he then nicknamed “The

Based strictly on the crime that placed him behind bars, my inner sense tells me that he has been incarcerated long enough, and therefore will(should) be granted his freedom at the upcoming parole hearing.

Money is everything. One of the reasons Title IX activists are fighting to impose larger fines for violations is that schools have been making a very simple calculation for years. The cost of ignoring a traumatized victim has usually been negligible. Most victims don’t want to become spokespeople, particularly right