Fellow old but given the overall normalization of tattoos and even full sleeves; ink above the collarbone is kind of the last stage of ‘tattoos as rebellion’ IMO. Not as hardcore as major face ink but, you know, adjacent.
Fellow old but given the overall normalization of tattoos and even full sleeves; ink above the collarbone is kind of the last stage of ‘tattoos as rebellion’ IMO. Not as hardcore as major face ink but, you know, adjacent.
I got a crisp Jackson that says he doesn’t know who Jimmy Carter is.
You know he’s pissed the women wouldn’t let him play through.
They were being sued for sponsoring a targeted campaign against a student, which the student claims was based on a false rape accusation. The fact that the school found him not responsible doesn’t help.
Taking bets on whether or not she became furious when he asked her to slide a digit in him.
I’d be for this with a slight modification in the wording, “two concurrent strategic assessments of the use of violent or unorthodox Christian religious doctrine to support extremist or terrorist messaging and justification.” I’m sure we could find many strains in certain tax exempted buildings across the USA.
The true statement is “Black Lives Matter Too” and if one needs that last word spelled out, that’s not the BLM movement’s problem because it takes all about, I dunno, five seconds of actual listening?
Or to put it another way, if you’re capable of seeing one portion of the population as disposable based on their skin color, then there’s nothing keeping you from seeing anybody as disposable based on any arbitrary trait you decide.
BLMT sounds like a kind of sandwich
OKay, I screamed laughed, because that who is exactly how she became Mde Macron!
Honestly, if he said, “Who’s the Le MILf?” at some point during this trip, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised.
She’s also thinking “better her than me”.
Great job, pun nut.
They’d need to film it for IMAX
My son is a _______ person and I ______ his ________.
The hilarious thing is that they probably earnestly believe that something that works. “Hey, we both have the same name! How can the same person be tried for the same crime twice! You can’t put TWO Donald Trump’s in jail! CHECKMATE DEMOCRATS!”
Hold on, MBC. We’re talking about treason, now. Treason most foul. The death penalty is mandated. Logically, shouldn’t the chant be about what form the death penalty should take?
I had the biggest cruch on Benecio back in the day. I would watch that Aladdin.
He really ruined the country, didn’t he?