
This whole story was so blatantly ridiculous that I was surprised it wasn’t an email forward from my mother

I mean, people in New York live in such tight quarters, how can you NOT hear people fucking. I guess the people complaining are the only ones not fucking.

I understood it. Hopefully that knowledge will console you.

No, I know what you were trying for. It’s just that Birmingham is pretty much the antithesis of its inbred Southern namesake!

If Libtard cuckflakes really cared about climate change they wouldn’t live in their elitist enclaves on the coasts, and would instead live like Real Americans (TM), i.e., trailer parks surrounded by corn.

Don’t be an idiot. I found it on some random person’s Twitter feed so OF COURSE its true.

Easy to understand. This scenario has a lot of the things that the administration is against:

I have a new plan. Phase One: Everyone give me $12 so that I can build an alt-right fake news site and tweet at Trump 24/7. We’ll tell him the wall is built, we killed all the Mooselambs, and California sank into the Pacific Ocean. He never goes west of the Mississippi* anyway so it will buy us all some time and keep

“dankruptcy”—well put.

Wow, I can’t even begin to get through all the irony in that idea (since I’m convinced that Melania’s being abused).

Coincidentally, this could also be said about Trump supporters and Trump.

Point of fact. They are now blaming the Obama Administration for not booking hotels back in Feb 2016 when the summit was first announced.

I’m still trying to figure that one out. Did the Trump staff just assume that was being handled by Germany somehow? Or did literally everyone forget to make sure the president had somewhere to stay? They are there to discuss global solutions to global problems and Trump can’t even figure out how to book a hotel.

Reince Preibus, Chief of Staff, to his staff before the trip: “No need to book a hotel. The Germans sent a dispatch saying we would get a  reception and be staying at a large hostel in Hamburg. It’s very European.

This tit always sits like he is having a difficult bowel movement. I’m sure he thinks it makes him look badass, but it reminds me of an insecure, and hyperactive child. Hmmm...

She Shookus all night long...

Is he trying to look like Eddie Murphy in The Nutty Professor, or was the glasses/pornstache/multiple-chin combo a happy accident?

For a man who is no stranger to hyperbole when describing things like “the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake” he sure wilts when it comes to describing things of actual consequence.

Trump Steaks: Yuuuuuuuge.
Pol Pot: Not a nice guy.

Trump on the wounded knee massacre

He likes countries that don’t get captured.