Good job, big nuts.
Good job, big nuts.
Worlds worst customer questionnaire
Question 1: Have you had premarital sex?
Question 2: Have you ever been divorced?
Question 3: Chocolate or vanilla?
Sounds like some wholistic way to refer to your butt health.
Sans serif. Definitely.
Guaranteed the “sticker shock” will be covered by all major news media giving them a big old megaphone to voice their confusion and buyer’s remorse.
These fuckwits only hunt where the game is trapped. The poors would catch them and eat them alive.
He’s smiling because the March of Dimes helped rehabilitate him through Polio and he’ll he damned if any other child gets the same sorts of courtesy. More and more I really hope there’s a hell because a lot of these asshole are going to be really fucking surprised to show up there.
Why not just eliminate the middle-man and let Donnie Jr. and Eric just hunt poors?
yet they would make a cake for someone who has been divorced in the past or had premarital sex?
“I believe their first suspending and then firing her was directly because of her appearing on the Tucker Carlson TV show, and is a violation of her federal and state constitutional rights to free speech,” Farber said.
pitstops pissstops
If only there were some kind of legislation passed that contained a mandate that most employers offer health insurance. Some kind of employer mandate. I bet that bill would be really popular with Republicans.
*Trump invites her for a night at the White House*
It’s not like a wedding cake is a marriage license either. They are a bakery not clergy.
Oh well we should believe an astrologer and tarot card reader. It’s not like those people ever take advantage of the gullible and dumb.
The cost of a few bags was way less than a fine.
Yaaay for flexing your power to belittle poor people! Someone who isn’t a complete asshole would have just given them a fine