
See at the arts festival in my city’s park there are some black teens and young adults selling water down there like this, but the cops don’t hassle them over something so inconsequential as long stay out of the way of sidewalk traffic flow and whatnot. And these guys actually always offer the foot-beat police waters

There’s a reality show in this... Every audience member gets ONE rotten tomato for throwing purposes; which horrible person gets the most rotten tomatoes to the face?

admittedly dickish, I wish more ethnic and sub culture groups would find a reason to stop eating bacon, resulting in a lower demand and price.

Bullies...someone blatantly breaking the law. Black market goods are...not legal? I mean, he didn’t even fine them or send them to jail. They lost a dozen of their counterfeit goods, oh noes!

Peasants can’t sue a king!

Unfortunately they current owner was a clueless northerner, who thought that southern shit was quaint and not his problem until it literally became his problem.

“My park” huh? Guy paid for it himself? He’s like the king of the park?

This track is supreme.. Liz Fraser is sublime..

I know all the best shoes

That is more than 140 characters.

Every time I see MAGA, I immediately think of an immature acronym my friend came up with in the 7th grade:

DJT’s official statement on the matter:

Well, we’ll always have Platoon.

This is a great place for a thanks wing nuts meme.

measurement suppositions:

Depends, am I allowed to say FUCK Kristol & David Frum forever for carrying so much of W. Bush/Cheney Iraq War semen in their mouths that it has lead to a Trump presidency?

Sure there’s that. But on the other hand...

Man, I am amazed at how good Rev. Al looks these days. He was on the Heart Attack Express back in the ‘90's. Good for him.

This professor was a riot, too. She always made a point of pointing out the references to sexuality in paintings. Like the Garden of Earthly Delights? All of the bagpipes are visual references to male and female genitalia.

You win