Castile was believed to be in possession of a rare shrodinger’s gun which doesn’t exist until you observe it firing at you. You all just don’t see how clever Yanez was.
Fired 7 shots with a child in the back seat.... This man should never have been a cop.
P.S. Fuck that jury.
blazing saddles? huh?
also pls send Jared, the batteree fell from remote again and secret service are just grinning when I tell them
had to go to kitchen to fire staff for putting vegetabls in my 3am TBLT - did anything happen?
That’s pretty much been the line of thinking in most alt-right media comments sections.
What do you have against Blazing Saddles, you filthy antisemite?!
One would hope she could see it, as aiming blind leads to bruised taints and tailbones.
Maybe she was just being polite, Milty.
“All the real news outlets decided to boycott? Call up Alex Jones and his buddies, we’ve got some empty seats today!”
So you’re the reason for her divorcing Ernest Borgnine....
If it were a prosecutor deciding road rage would be easier to win on in court after weighing all the evidence, that’s one thing, but ruling hate crime out this early seems surprising to say the least.
I’ve missed you since the demise of that rag we were always on. Carry on MB Cock, good to see you’re keeping it up.
I really, sincerely hope that it’s 100% purely because they might not be able to prove it was a hate crime and want to ensure a severe penalty...
There’s no business like SHOW business, right?
On point.
Yeah, I enjoyed seeing this side of the story. Fuck any troll who comes in here and starts shit, all religions have their own issues.