How can you mend a broken government’s heart?
How can you mend a broken government’s heart?
If you pretend he’s singing about what few remaining shreds of a democracy we still have...then it still kinda works.
I bet Paul Ryan is so tired of being alone.
We can always take a guess...from a Washington Post op-ed piece today:
Odds he uses the term “radical Islamic terrorism”?
Apparently the Trump cult’s defense is that Obama did do exactly this sort of thing on a regular basis.
I can’t be too mad at him for it. There was a period of time right after the election where I went through phase of ‘Maybe he won’t be so bad. He doesn’t even seem to believe in half this stuff! I bet it was mostly just a campaign thing he knew would make him win.’
Dave Chappelle shouldn’t be embarrassed about saying we should give Trump a chance. I think you should always give people the opportunity to do their job and prove themselves. In this case, Trump has proved that he’s a wildly inconsistent, bizarre, childish man with impulse control issues.
If I forgot anyone I’ll tweet after next hole
It was a weekend. It’s either golf or 11 hours of Fox News.
Imagine the reaction from Trump supporters if our rather black previous President had five kids from three different women.
Yep, and the “family values party” didn’t say a fucking word. Fucking hypocrites.
They didn’t even get their own tweet!
In total fairness, I’m pretty sure every woman in his life has told him, repeatedly, that leaving them the f#*k alone going golfing was, in fact, the best thing he could possibly do for them on Mother’s Day.
Wait... really? That’s what he did yesterday? Seriously?
This monk was not chill.