And without an approving parent or guardian present
And without an approving parent or guardian present
Hey! Remember 4th graders can take bites of a sandwich to make it look weapon shaped! They are a secret menace!
Probably trying to speak to her/him without their parents being present.
Came for this!
And yet, not a single solution from Democrats that enforces the laws in the books.
That person is a hero.
Came here for this. Was not disappointed.
White supremacist douchebags have a boner for Norse mythology that goes back to the Nazis at least.
I love that the idiot tweeted that pic of himself. He thinks he looks badass holding a goddamn tiki torch.
“more than half of us”
Still, hilarious to watch them cosplay with the tiki torches because they are so very mad that people plan to take their Participation trophies away. (It always was ridiculous that there were any monuments for treasonous racist losers. Literal losers.)
*golf clap* This is for you. For the next time you are forced to drive around some Evengelical or Christian Fundie with a mouth like a dog’s pursed asshole, play this on your car stereo. I have. And it was everything I hoped it would be...
It’s really fun to watch all these assholes squirm. It’s nice to see the progressive and moderate Iowans get a chance to put the screws to these people after they stole the state house.
Question: The districts are redrawn every 10 years right? If so, would it be the winners of the 2018 election, or does the 2020 election happen before that?
I wish cops would lose the mindset that “all cops are under attack” whenever there’s a bad cop.