
Mentally unstable people can get guns, but can’t get health care.

That would be fucking AMAZING!

please link me to your Etsy

I’m a non-violent person...I mean, I don’t even insult people on Kinja. But I do declare, she has one of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen this side of my own mother’s face.

UGH, please don’t bring up that self-righteous hag! But hey since you did there is this:

Kim Davis has her own problems to worry about (muwahahahaha!):

Nice job, gay nuts.

Yes. Yes, she does.

Aimee is on it.

Goddammit. Godfuckingdammit. I hate people. I am going back to watch cuttlefish fight.

Merkin is one of those words you don’t see often enough nowadays.

BoysScouts are still welcome in the parish.

I’m sure Breitbart readers are already on the case. I mean damn, Milo’s not having any issues finding people to dump loads of money on him.

And this is why we love you, MB. Don’t ever change.

there used to be an organization, but the acronym N.G.G.A. made everyone wicked uncomfortable

Ugh, I’m past the golden showers rumor... if there were pictures and they got public, my bet is that it wouldn’t even hurt Trump one bit.

Latinx are takinx these pix?