
I’m very disappointed.

The mid 90's were a dark time for all of us Merkin aficionados.

I think Bibliosexual needs to be a word we use.

As long as they’re over 18, have at it.


Thanks for the info. I don’t exactly recall him. Is he a standard-issue Fox Newser who we should’ve nicknamed “Bill Shinola” a decade ago?

The Heathers and Veronica are disappointed.

No worries- I’m sure the misogynistic trash-heap Chimera that is Fox news will sprout another equally abhorrent head to continue guiding the nation toward the apocalypse at the same steady clip we’ve been enjoying for the past few years or so.

I’ve also given up “huge”.

I also avoid using phrases like “x trumps y” or “Such-and-such would be a trump card”. More reasons to hate this man.

I’ve started using “Sad!” when I disapprove of something.

Everyone knows the Civil War was secretly about removing the Reptilian leaders from the Southern States!

Bea Arthur’s cock (applause level: 11)

Where did he say that a rational gun owner was a criminal mass murderer? I’m not seeing that anywhere. Maybe you’re being a tad defensive?

Did anyone else see any irony in the NRA spokescritter saying the following?

Is it more false and ignorant than painting background checks and restrictions on gun ownership by people with certain mental illnesses as somehow making a claim that all gun owners are criminals and mentally ill?

I am total free-speech, exchange of ideas kind of guy. But.... somewhere, somehow people who invite speakers to campuses need to learn the difference between conservatives that have a reasoned opinion (Charles Murray) that they might disagree with and trolls, who exist only to offend and provoke (Ann Coulter & Milo Y.)

Damn I knew it! This was the actress that dumped Scott Baio?!

Yeah, at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter how much closure the victim gets.