You guys are a tough crowd. I didn’t know if there was some hierarchy of posters/commenters, etc. I just recently mustered up the courage to start commenting on a regular basis, not using a burner. Just trying to contribute to the dialogue.
You guys are a tough crowd. I didn’t know if there was some hierarchy of posters/commenters, etc. I just recently mustered up the courage to start commenting on a regular basis, not using a burner. Just trying to contribute to the dialogue.
You’re being paged downthread. Scroll down, Uncle Miltie..
And I feel horrible liking it.
I loathe Facebook live. I work in an industry that relies on self promotion, so I see it A LOT. Every time I curse it though I remember philando castille and how his girlfriend Diamond was able to show unequivocally what went down and how.
I guess if I have to explain the sarcasm, then it didn’t come across properly in my original post. Thats on me.
Probably the only happy ending we can all hope for at this point.
This has probably been said many times over the years in the warden’s office...
Local campaign workers are using the t-shirt-ready slogan “VOTE YOUR OSSOFF!”
It makes me sad to know that someone (likely several someones) will make the same joke today and not be joking.
The family will be billed for the second one.
Those Tweets are so infantile I’m surprised he didn’t refer to Mr. Ossoff as a “big doody head.”
Sweetheart that’s not my decision to make
You’ll appreciate this, I think
A recently-passed disapproval of a wastewater rule was specifically done to make strip-mining more economically viable. So, this is a viable option.
The Federal government’s response to Flint is and continues to be criminal. Congress is penny-pinching in sending funds to address the continuing human crisis and yet they will wrap themselves in an American flag and cheer shit like this.
With the way the republicans are going, it is just a matter of time before we have another revolution.
“We oppose and reject the Trump Administration’s hateful policies towards immigrants and refugees,” Alexis Danzig, a participant in the protest, said in a statement.
Fusion is such a dud. It truly is a dedicated fake news site. LOL! SAD!