
here you go

Chuck Klosterman did a profile of Brad Pitt many years ago, I think it was one of the first pieces Klosterman did when he first landed at Esquire before becoming better known for Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs and his stint working with Bill Simmons.

Klosterman tried to argue throughout that profile that if Pitt had a beer

I have family that lives there and used to reference the repurposing planning there every chance I could during my Urban Planning coursework in college. It has an excellent blend of people and activities that just draws you in.

I used to go to Northland (I think) with my grandma in the 70s and 80s. She lived in Upper Arlington...is that in the general area of Northland. I’ve been to Columbus 10 gazillion times because my grandparents lived there, but I have very vague ideas about its geography. Also I haven’t been there in like, 30 years.

I wasn’t born until the early 90s, so this is all new stuff to me.

Came here to mention this. Granted the green space on the right is becoming a giant building, but still.

Now playing

For the younger readers, Vera Lynn is the singer you googled after you heard her name in Pink Floyd’s The Wall.

I’ve been to Columbus, enjoyed that city. In downtown Sacramento, the city-center mall was recently replaced with an arena (Golden 1 Center), new home of the Kings. It opened last year with two Paul McCartney concerts. This weekend it hosted some of the NCAA playoffs. The new arena has brought more to downtown than

They have something like that in downtown Houston as well. Free shows and whatnot, seems to be doing well.

And an outdoor ice skating rink downtown Columbus. Yes, I’m really dating myself here - I remember going to skate there in the early 80's. I think it was near the Dispatch building but I was still in elementary school so paying attention to my location was not really on my radar at the time.

Nah, from TJ Maxx. They’re all there for like $5 now.

Well, there was that Hulk Hogan thing...

Senator Cornyn, is that you?

The state cut off money to PP in 2013, and thousands of women lost their access to affordable birth control, which led to a 27% increase in Medicaid pregnancies.

Texas is what happens when you shut down PP. Kansas is what happens when you cut taxes for the rich. Wisconsin is what happens when you cut education. The Great Lakes and Flint, MI are what to expect when you kill the EPA.

Why do we continue to act surprised that our government clearly doesn’t have our best interests

Also he looks freshly laundered. Unlike some <cough>Johnny Depp<cough>.

I was surprised to see you grey as well.