
If left is the opposite of right, and alt-right are nazis, what would an “alt-left” actually be? Ghandi?

Trump being taken down by a Reply Allpocalypse would be a fitting end to this brief shitstain on American history.

I wonder if all those White House leaks are happening partly because no one there knows how the “reply all” function works.


I know one fucking thing: no guy would put up with this bullshit done to him by his doctor, especially if it involved his balls somehow. Not a chance, not for a second.

Given the general direction of the GOP, they’d probably criminalize those acts and send all the mothers to jail.

I’m wondering how this doesn’t go against federal law. Is there nothing there that protects people from doctors knowingly acting against their best interest?

Honestly, democrats need to run for offices in 2018 on the platform of restoring integrity, transparency, and the rule of law (and actually live up to those promises).

Oh! How pithy and witty.

I dunno, that may be crediting some folks too much. I don’t doubt there’s some “Go back to Mexico” in there as well.

Ah, thats what it is then lol cause I usually see your comments.

I’m sure his replies are full of “Go back to your own country” by now.

Since when have you been banished to the greys?

It’s in the existing lyrics.

worst Thom Yorke cosplay ever.

This is a reality in most states, now.

skim heads

also, skim.