MBC. You know me!
Don’t forget the strapping young ebony bucks around the pool!
I want to hug you so hard for this.
Steve Bannon looks like the guy that bit him.
Pornhub is a great source for finding new amateur porn, who also need your money. Yes, speaking from experience
Politics aside, I do send him my best wishes. I also feel for W, who I’m sure would rather spend time with his father than be at the inauguration. Because real talk, “responding well to treatments” at age 92 is pretty guarded language.
It’s missing any of his key words: fantastic, truly, very, nasty, huge, and disrespectful
Happy #MLKDAY! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love my African-Americans!
I thought Bill O’Reilly was the Loofah King.
On a side note, I am fascinated by teh gheyz that support Trump/Alt Right. How does that brain process that cognitive dissonance?
Yeah, you just don’t. They’ll never have the daughter that they thought they would have. It must be terribly uplifting for them to locate her alive, but that woman stole their relationships from them.
I gotta give these right wing/alt right/whatever they are called at the moment assholes credit, they’ve learned how to game the system. They ask to speak at a college campus. The college administration, concerned about being portrayed a bastions of the left in the right wing media which could affect enrollments agree…
Toolbox of Dildos is the name of the new Goo Goo Dolls album.
Even in the Twitter picture, The Donald is grumpy! The tweet is 3 years before elections, and 2 years before he started running!
Yesterday, concerning piss-gate: