Never forget!
I’m overcome with glee that long after he goes down, he won’t be remembered as some kind of evil genius who conned his way into the white house. His lasting legacy will be that he was the guy who paid women to piss on his bed. Drip drip drip.
Be honest. You never thought you’d have such a perfect opportunity for this gif.
Are you getting $1M from Penthouse now?
Francesca further went on to ask how Seattle was doing with that Kevin Durant kid they drafted.
apple doesn’t fall far from a rotten orange tree
The man was born with only half a brain, no heart, and devil horns. I think he can sit there.
That’s a barrage of Sophie’s Choices right there. Is there a death and dismemberment option?
I recall a pretty famous porn actress (I want to say Jenna Jameson) was being interviewed by Bildo, while he berated her for being a harlot for the entire show.
I’d say Trump because he’d probably keep talking during the *hork* act.
BARF ALL OVER YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This so makes me want to cauterize my vagina shut.
The worlds’s worst game of “Fuck, Marry, Kill”
Ailes. He has all the sex appeal of a school bus fire and the morals of a Tyler Perry villain.
D) No more sex ever
I hate you
*review options, horks, head explodes*
My lunch looks really different now that it’s partly digested and back on my desk.