
We do not need your mansplaining anymore. Leave.

That is the cutest little swim-team I have ever seen in my life!

And Bret Michaels as the smartest man standing.

“Over-rated” Meryl Streep has lost at the Oscars™ SIXTEEN times. Scott Baio hasn’t lost ONCE. Sad.

“Meryl Streep is totally overrated. People act like she’s a ten. She’s a 4, 5 tops. Who are these raters? I’m a much better rater. I’m a tremendous rater. I have the best ratings. DJT is a ratings machine.”

Say hello to your new ambassadors!

In my nabe a while back.

and I’ll need some viagra before I can deliver on that promise

presidente electo Cheeto! Ahahahahaha, I just had throat surgery but this made me cackle/creak-laugh for a full minute.

Scrolled down for this.

I feel like I finally got my money’s worth out of my 4 years of high school Spanish. Thank you, Mr. Fernandez (RIP), for making it possible for me to read and understand this sentence. <3

Aren’t some of those the same individuals?

Ah yes, I understand. Bummer. Keep on doing the yeoman’s work, my friend.

There it is. Wouldn’t rest ‘til I found this. Thanks for all you do, MBC.

Now I see why the Republicans are trying to dismantle ethics in the house; they want to adopt the NFL’s stance towards domestic abuse: it is just a man keeping his house in order.

Oh, well fuck me then. I’m honored to have gotten to ungray it this time.

Depends-- are the chicks hot?

Really— what more *did* Ellen need to do here, in order for her to earn her SJW Merit Badge or whatever it is Bobby wants? Kicking someone off your show, not making a big deal out of it, but putting your foot down that firmly = seems like a crystal-clear message to me. Whoever Burrell is, she’ll forever be known in

starred for your excellent use of denouement.