That blog only has two posts! Looks like she quickly switched to []
That blog only has two posts! Looks like she quickly switched to []
I hope I can remember this excuse when I'm old enough to start going senile.
If the researchers really want those kids to get help, they should create an "Are You An Alcoholic?" app for Facebook. Kids love Facebook apps!
Mostly, I'm surprised that "pansexual" is now a word in the real world, not just second-rate science fiction.
Try going to the Spotify App page on Facebook and blocking the app there. (There's a tiny "Block this app" link in the left-hand column.) That should stop you from seeing any Spotify activity in the newsfeed, unless Facebook changed that in the new updates, too.
So, does anybody know: Has Southwest every kicked a heterosexual couple off a plane for just kissing? I'm kind of doubting it.
I've always suspected that it's partially due to homophobia: People react poorly to female coaches because they're secretly thinking that women who are really devoted to athletics must be lesbians.
Your reply has too many pronouns and not enough nouns. Which "they" do you think we're talking about?
If she did get divorced, she would just blame it on "attacks from the media" undermining her marriage or some nonsense, Fox News would broadcast it as "Breaking News," and all of her fans will have one excuse to consider her a martyr for their cause.
Taxes aren't even the biggest nightmare. The real legal complications are all those "exclusive rights" that spouses enjoy. For example, if a married man is unconscious and hospitalized, his spouse is usually the default decision-maker about his care. If the unconscious man has four wives who disagree about his…
Full Tilt Poker simply credited players' online gambling accounts with money that had never actually been collected from the players' bank accounts
First you tell us that "Magic: The Gathering" doesn't make men sexy, now you tell that video games don't make people smarter? Next you'll tell me that playing D&D isn't cool!
Well, at least he's not spending his profits on somebody who can win!
It's not really a shock to find out that Scoble's followers might be assholes. The guy is basically famous for being needy.
I had to stop reading the because the newgroup became nothing but discussions of Teri Hatcher's breasts.
My immediate response to the headline was "Well, duh!"
They left "Magic: The Gathering" off the list!
That leads to a question: Will "promoted tweets" respect user block lists?
Yeah, I'm not exactly sure what it's supposed to mean, but I know that sounds like something a young woman in a bad relationship would say to rationalize being in a bad relationship. I find it a little creepy.
OK, I just posted this at the Consumerist, but I want Jezebel readers' opinions. I saw this at JCPenney last week. Am I wrong in thinking this is a stupid message for young women?