It's a good thing I'm not a celebrity, because I would totally mess with people who asked me for a job over Twitter.
It's a good thing I'm not a celebrity, because I would totally mess with people who asked me for a job over Twitter.
This explains that email I got from a Nigerian Lawyer asking for help transferring his client's bail money into my checking account.
No it's not. HIPPAA's privacy rules covers health care providers, insurance agencies, etc. Joy Behar is none of those, I hope.
Yeah, they say it's just a cute experiment with a glow-in-dark squid, but we know what it really is. A pre-emptive strike. That's right, we're not going to wait for the aliens to send their creepy monsters to us — we're sending ours to them first. IT'S ALL-OUT INTERPLANETARY SQUID WARFARE.
Oh sure, that will work until people figure what the companies are doing. Then everybody will change their "Activites and Interests" to "blindly obeying management" and "profit at any cost."
And God help you if you expect them to use two different passwords. When my employer set up an online system to let employees self-manage payroll deductions and direct deposits, many of my older co-workers just couldn't handle that their password on that system was different from their e-mail password.
My mother's advice on drugs was "Don't take the blue pills. I was on the blue pills when I met your father."
I think the commenters complaining about the SSI have their priorities wrong. I'm OK with people like this being unemployable, because it means I never have to worry about being their coworker.
I was using twicca on my myTouch 3G until a few weeks ago. I had to uninstall it because I kept getting "twicca must force close" errors when I wasn't using it. Most annoying error ever. (But I like twicca, and I'll go back if I get any sign the app has been fixed.)
I don't shop online to avoid taxes. I shop online to avoid crowds of other shoppers and half-witted store employees. I shop online because I'm a misanthrope.
Not sure why I'm going here, but:
The researcher in question focused on women because other studies have already covered men... and apparently not found results interesting enough for newspapers.
I like it, but my grandmother (rest her soul), never would have figured out how to open that. There would have been a lot of ripped-in-half letters, no doubt.
I'm still Facebook friends with a couple of ex-girlfriends, but I "hid" them from my newsfeed so I don't see what they're up to. (I completely defriended them on other sites like Twitter.)
@IHazKittehz: I attended a smallish (750 students) school where the annual dating survey gave everybody a "Top 10." It was pretty much impossible to not know the people one matched with.
@cocobanal: Pissed off? I would have left the kid in jail until his parents came home. The letter writer clearly doesn't know when to cut her losses.
Pshaw. Everybody knows a good Republican would only drink the blood of terrorist anchor babies.
Wait! does this strategy work for men attracting women?