
Landlords are literally trying to buy people out of the places they’ve lived for decades, as are some incoming businesses. Condos are being built from older residential buildings and companies are turning non-profit centers into for-profit ones after they acquire them. Remember the Rivington House scandal? Not to

My paternal fam are from the Carib as well. Puerto Rico mainly. My bro’s got Trini roots from his grand-dad, though his abuelo lives in the South. But yeah, so much of NY is changing, and not for the better. It’s almost kind of disturbing how these folks who’d never walk through our neighborhoods, let alone speak to

Practically grew up in BK on South 1st since my abuela lived there and my bro and I went to spend time with her every year. The BK now is getting so heavily gentrified and #FFFFFF-washed I have a problem finding all of the shyt I loved as a kid. Even the one C-Town my fam depended on whenever we finally did get a

Welcome to Eagles fans up until last year.

Sports aren’t fun. I don’t know why I waste so much time on this shit.

Are we all really taking the stance that unsolicited kissing/fondling of the breasts without prior consent would be okay if she was a confirmed adult? Because I’m over 40, and will punch you in the fucking face—if not lower.

“Conch” is a type of shellfish.

Of course, none of this would work if there weren’t a large number of people who blindly believe what he says because it’s the reality they want, or because it’s politically expedient, damn the torpedoes. That’s the much sadder part.

Now playing

Dennis Leary did a whole song about being an asshole:

i’m fine with comedians being assholes if they are actually funny or self-deprecating about itlike Dennis Leary, Carlos Mencia and Bill Burr. C,K, used to be self-aware about it, now it sounds like he’s gotten a major case of white male privilege complex.

It’s so hard to know what to do with this any more. On one hand, reporting that, “Trump lied about something easily and objectively verifiable as false,” is like reporting that water is wet.

That’s not what “mentally ill” means.  Being an awful human being is not a mental illness.  

It’s like a Shakespeare play in 17 seconds.  

Thanks for this clear and informative explanation. Sorry you and the Mrs have to deal with this dumbass shitshow more directly than the rest of us.

Does anyone know if employees qualify for unemployment insurance. Or are they just fucked?

This comment reminds me so much of the ‘I’m so hungry i could eat at Arby’s’ line from the Simpsons lol.

How are your retinas doing now that they’re not being subjected to a constant wall of rhinestones? The last time I flew through DFW that’s what stuck with me. Rhinestones... everywhere.

Fact: Philadelphia is the worst smelling city in America. Now get back to throwing batteries at Santa.