
I see potential here, but I'm unimpressed by those examples

I don't know why, but about once a month I think of him walking through the newsroom saying "What's the buzz tell me what's a-happenin?" And being so disappointed no one answered him with a "Why should you want to know?"

Someone's got bubblegum in their pubis.

You spelled "Roger Sterling" wrong.

Ugh.. I'm so tired of Chuck E. Cheese.

My personal favorite is Cyril Figgus.

And, in the spirit of the article posted here a few days ago, I'd add "Al Bundy"

You're going to sit here and tell me that Liz Lemon is a better character than Jack Donaghy? Negative.

This comment made me nuts as well. I listened to the podcast and they said the book is called "Farewell" by Sergei Kostin.

I don't think Oleg's father had any intention of saving Nina. He told Oleg something along the lines of "if you associate with her, it'll mark you as a traitor sympathizer"

The title track is a fucking bore and I'm over this guy.

Reading this comment in april 2017, thinking. . "The USA wins the Cold War. " … "Weeeellllllll….. shrug emoji"

<—- Hi there, newbie.

(radio announcer voice) aaaaaaaaaa lot of people think the name of that song is "Follow Him". … But, it's not!!!!! …. Next up on our 50,000 song with no repeats marathon…

If the trade minister can do it and save San Francisco from the nazis, you have no excuse

We are all Jasper now. Our silent frustration with Tandy speaks volumes

Absolutely no one is psyched for FTWD in any month in any year

has no one pointed out yet that main trash lady looks exactly like the alien who fell in love with Tony Shalhoub in Galaxy Quest

At least maggie looked hot for the first time in 3 seasons

Holy shit what a waste of my time.