
I don't know why no one else has pointed this out, so I guess I've got to be the one to do it.. The Phillip wig is clearly leftover from John Cusack's flashback scenes in "High Fidelity"

The mistake Clark made was not feigning some knowledge of who Taffet is. If I were Martha, I'd assume that the FBI has more than one person who does what Clark does.. but I'd expect those people to know each other very well.

Just now seeing this in 2017 and hoping you're in jail right now

So long dental plan!
Paige needs braces!
Dental plan!
Paige needs braces!
Dental plan
Paige needs braces

I've noticed college football cheerleaders are much thicker and homlier than they used to be. Gotta take what they can get, I guess.

(googles "licentious")

Those neon colors and backwards hats indicate this footage was shot in 1994. FAKE NEWS.

Pfftt.. if they're experimenting to create the worst show ever, they're never going to catch up with Fear the Walking Dead.

Ladies and gentlemen, for the 110th time this season :
(Character attacks or disrespects Negan in front of his crew)
Negan: (menacing look, long pause, smile cracks across lips, gets wide & toothy) "I *LIKE* you! You've got guts/balls/lady balls/ moxie!"

I remember in the late 80s when I was about 9 or so and visiting a friend who found one of his dad's vhs prons. we were certain it was a finger cause why would a lady put that in her mouth?

An early prototype of Pauly's servant in Rocky IV

Another comment that isn't quite as funny 3 years later to anyone but Paul Manafort .. lol

The mr. Show reboot was incredibly disappointing

A pleasant hello to this comment from late March, 2017. Bet you has no idea how prescient this comment would be in the state of current world political affairs, eh?

not to nitpick from the future, but they were DC cops. the cars clearly say "DC metro" and if you look at the officer who called in Gregory outside the deli, you can see the word "washington" on his badge.

Just now watching this series, so replying to 4 year old comments.. there was a famous photo of a sign at an anti-vietnam war protest reading something along the lines of "no v.c. ever called me n***".. I think that's the point royal ugly is making here.

Gather round kids, it's time for a true life story from Old Uncle MB. About 10 years ago I was working for the local ABC affiliate in town when we decided it'd be a good idea to have players from the local minor league hockey team come on our noon newscast every week and talk about the games coming up that weekend and

Must you dispatch the zombies with my misericorde??

R.. Racist?

Roll Coal, Dr. Libtard! Make Post Apoloclyptic America Great Again! (Toby Keith song blares from stereo)