
His name before the world fell was also Brian.. Brian Boitano

FFS, can we get someone else to write these?

I stopped watching this show after Season 2 Part 1. I was really only watching at that point to ogle Madison's tank tops. Is that still a thing I can do when this comes to Netflix?

I did notice the music in the elevator and the song Todd is singing in the shower were both the iconic Yacht Rock jam "What A Fool Believes " by the Doobie Brothers. I think there's some deeper meaning there about the building

I think you put more thought into this than the writers did

I always look at the faces of the cast members during those musical numbers and there's always at least two that look miserable aren't even trying to sell it.

Not before his crew goes out west in search of Junkie Depp et al.


"I would never call a mentally handicapped person 'retarded'. That's just cruel. It's in bad taste. I call my friends 'retards' when they're acting retarded." - Michael Gary Scott

Jane Lynch will be brought in as the female colonel. Bank on it.

I'm genuinely surprised to see this gimmick isn't widely liked. I personally love it. Gets people talking about the brand, guessing who the next Colonel will be. It's still fun to me.

"I thought it a little odd that the cast didn’t appear alongside him, considering the show’s propensity for throwing the players onstage for every other host musical number, but that’s the only complaint. "

I've been using Reddit for about a year. I mostly stick to video game and television show discussions. I've found it to be a pleasant place filled with generally well meaning individuals.

I make nearly constant references to this show almost no one else ever understands.

losing a toe to drunken frostbite could be an allusion to Jimmy's finger issues..

Yet, the next-to-last episode featured some of the worst voice dubbing I've ever seen in my life (watch the cutaways during the scene with Ross and Jacqueline on the bench)

Then some pudgy weirdo comes in and talks about going to Vietnam and awkwardly hits on Melissa Shart.

I just don't trust a woman whose eyebrows don't match her hair. Sorry. She's like Sam fuckin' Waterston.

this reminded me of one of my favorite Jenna Maroney jokes..
“How could I have been so blind?” — Jenna
“Because you’re a horrible person.” — Hazel
“Thank you. Just portion control and lots of water.” — Jenna

Strawberry. Short. Bus.